The 3rd Annual SfN Hudson-Berkshire Chapter Meeting Program (September 11, 2017)
Notes:                    Attendees are kindly requested to stay for the whole meeting
                                Speakers are kindly requested to stay on time
                                *.*.* Registration ends *.*.* July 28th, 2017 *.*.*

08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast, registration and poster set-up

09:00 – 09:10       Introductory remarks
                                Keynote Speaker Presenter #1 (Andrew Poulos)
09:10 – 10:10 Henry Yin - Duke University  
                                "The basal ganglia in action"  
                                Student Moderator #1 (Corinne Wilson - AMC)
10:10 – 10:30 Janet Paluh - CNSE
                                "Meeting challenges in CNS therapies: stem cells, microchips and
                                Student Moderator #2 (Amber Frye - NSCI)
10:30 – 10:50 Marvin Bentley - RPI
                                "The molecular motors that mediate selective transport in neurons"

10:50 – 11:10       Coffee break

11:10 – 11:30 Paolo Forni - SUNY
                                "Uncoupling olfactory development and GnRH-1 neuronal migration, new isights
                                into Kallmann syndrome"  
11:30 – 11:50  Arseny Khakhalin - Bard College
                                "Functional network connectivity during looming stimulus detection in the optic

11:50 – 1:00       Lunch

01:00 – 02:30 Posters and Vendors

                                Student Moderator #3 (Vanessa Mock - SUNY)
02:30 – 02:50 Yannick Poitelon - AMC
                                "Acetyl-CoA production from pyruvate is not necessary for preservation of myelin"
02:50 – 03:10 Christopher Vecsey - Skidmore College
                                "Sleeping on the fly: optogenetic assessment of the role of neuropeptide signals
                                in the regulation of
                                sleep and rhythms"    
03:10 – 03:30 Cay Anderson-Hanley - Union College
                                "Neuropsychological effects of an interactive physical and cognitive exercise
                               system (iPACES™) for older adults"        
                                Keynote Speaker Presenter #2 (Ken Norman)
03:30 – 04:30 Jennifer Bizon - University of Florida
                                "Excitatory/Inhibitory imbalance and cognitive decline in aging"            
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The meeting is kindly sponsored by:
Agilent Technologies
Krackeler Scientific

Albany Medical College
College of Arts and Sciences at SUNY Albany
Research Foundation at SUNY Albany
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