Let's Get You Solar!
Welcome! You’re here because you want your congregation to be considered for solar. We use this form to collect the information needed to get you started on a solar project. 
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Email *
House of worship name and address:  *
Your name:  *
Phone number:  *
Your role in the congregation
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Best way to contact you: 
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What is the age of your roof? 
What is your roof's composition?  *
Why is this important to your faith and mission as a congregation?
Financially, how do you envision paying for a solar array? Please choose any that apply.
We need 12 months of recent electrical use in your building(s).   Choose from the  two following option to get this essential information to us:
You will want a team to lead, monitor and help celebrate your solar project.  You should include  church leaders, decision makers, facilities/trustee folk, and those who care deeply about God’s wondrous Planet.  Please list the people on your team.
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