https://nyu.zoom.us/j/95310446988 **
hello, welcome to ebony tomatoes, i am so excited for you to be a part of this! this introduction form is to:
— get to know you more as a writer and what you want to get out of this group
— confirm your weekly availability
— match you with "accountability partner(s)." based on your availability, interests, and writing areas, i will match you with 1-2 other people from the writer's group to hold you accountable for your writing goals in between our weekly meetings. your relationship with your partners is completely what you make of it. y'all can never speak outside of the group, or you can become besties or even a couple under Christ, but i just want to offer the opportunity for us to form closer relationships with one another and work in smaller groups for my introverts/people who need a bit of a push to stay motivated
– know if you have any trigger warnings/accommodations i should be aware of
this form should take between 10-20 minutes and you can go as in-depth or as simple as you'd like! thank you <3