Please tick to this Disclaimer. I acknowledge and understand Trek Yourself Well leaders/members over the age of 16 covered by public liability insurance. As a Participant I also acknowledge that by participating in the walks. I hereby agree that any participation by me on the walk that I know my own ability, and will be aware of the walk surroundings and make a judgement if I feel I am not suited to the walk itself. I also consent to medical assistance and/or medical care being given to me in the case of illness, injury or an emergency situation, should this occur during the event such assistance to be given by the organiser, members or other medical trained personnel conducting the event (which may include the use of anaesthetics)
Acknowledge and agree that:
– I should only undertake such an activity to a level which reflects my level of fitness;
– I am responsible for monitoring my own physical condition prior to and during participation in the event;
– I have read the terms and conditions on the website;
I understand the importance, for safety reasons, of obeying the rules, guidelines and instructions given by the Walk organiser.
-The Walk organiser will have no liability to the participant for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or other loss of business opportunity.