Requesting a Peer Tutor
If you need some help with your subjects, fill in this form and we’ll do our best to pair you up with a student who can help! If you have any further questions or issues about Peer Tutoring feel free to contact any of your Academic Captains - you can find their details on the Study Site (

You have to submit a SEPARATE response to EACH of the subjects that you want tutoring for, e.g. one response for English, a separate one for Chemistry, a separate one for Economics.
Email *
Introduction to Peer Tutoring
Peer Tutoring is a way for fellow Kāpiti College students ('Peer Tutors') to help you with your subjects. Peer Tutors often explain topics differently to teachers -- they are a great way for you to solidify your understanding of what you learn in class.

We Academic Captains pair you up with a Peer Tutor, but you will be the one to organise session times with them. There is NO COST to Peer Tutoring -- it's 100% free.

REMEMBER: Your Peer Tutor is not a replacement for your teacher! Your first point of contact should always be your teacher.
Preferred First Name, Last Name of Tutoree *
The 'tutoree' is the person who needs help. The 'tutor' is the person who helps them.
Year Level of Tutoree *
Tutoree's Contact Details
You can list things like your: mobile number, personal email address, Instagram account, whatever works best for you. If you've filled this form in before, and contact details haven't changed, you don't need to fill this in again.
Do you have specific needs from tutors?
If you have specific learning needs or preferences, please say what kind of support you would like from tutors (e.g. more repetition, using lots of visuals). If you have filled in this form before, and your needs haven't changed, you don't need to fill it in again.
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