Lincolnshire Emergency Faith Responders Application 2023
Recruitment and Training Booking Form
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Email *
First Name(s) *
Surname *
Name (as you would like it to appear on Official EFR Name Badge) *
Age *
Address *
Postcode *
Email Address *
Main Contact Phone Number *
Alternative Contact Phone number *
Denomination *
Do you Drive *
Do you own a car *
Do you hold a current DBS *
Who was your DBS undertaken With (Employer/Denominational Body etc.) *
Have you completed Safeguarding Training within the last 2 years> *
Who was your Safeguarding undertaken With (Employer/Denominational Body/Training Organisation etc.) *
Do you have any special skills which you feel will help you as an Emergency Responder *
Do you have any medical conditions - or other restrictions - which may effect you when called out, or to what kind of emergency you can attend? *
I understand and accept that by submitting this form, I consent to Churches Together in All Lincolnshire holding this data about me, and using it for the purposes of the Emergency Faith Responders network and in order to send me information about related issues. The information will be held by CTAL and in accordance with data protection legislation, including GDPR. This permission is valid until 31/12/2028. *
I would like to book a space on the next EFR Recruitment and Training Day (May 18th).  *
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