FAIR Volunteer Information Gathering
We're grateful for your interest in volunteering to help FAIR and/or helping to launch a FAIR chapter in your state. This form is to identify the best ways you can get involved!

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First name *
Last name *
Email *
FAIR chapter leaders will help to organize parent, co-worker, and student groups, and manage social media advocacy and public relations for FAIR in their city or state. Would you be willing to lead a chapter? *
How much time do you have available to volunteer for FAIR?
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If you are able to be a chapter leader in your city or state, please tell us more about your skills (leadership, volunteer management) and experience in this area? If you are able to join or volunteer, please share any thoughts you may have on how you can help.
What skills do you have? (Check all that apply)
Do you already have an organized group who you are working with on these issues in your school, workplace or community?
Which state chapter would you like to lead or join?
Please tell us of any specific needs or challenges you face in your area.
In what way do you hope FAIR will be helpful to you? What sort of support are you hoping FAIR will be able to offer you and other people in your community?
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This form was created inside of Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism, Inc..

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