Setting the Stage: A Practical Handbook for Launching Your Indie Band (Primary Research Survey)

You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide, it is important for you to understand the purpose of the research, why the research is being done and what it will involve. You might have questions about your participation including the process of research, data handling and dissemination of the study results. Please take time to read the following information carefully and feel free to ask the researcher if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether you wish to take part. Thank you for taking the time to read this information.

The purpose of this research is to contribute to creative elements and design choices when the researcher produces a comprehensive handbook that guides and informs music enthusiasts on how to establish an indie band. This online survey will help the researcher to discover current interests and topics surrounding independent music, allowing him to unravel potential chapters to include in the project.

This research survey is intended for persons aged 18 and older who are a publishing professional associated with music-related publications, an editorial director or author of a previously published indie band handbook, a student enrolled in a music-related course, or a local indie band performer. Ideally, you will have qualifications or a first-hand experience of indie bands and can provide appropriate opinions surrounding this subject.

Participation is completely voluntary. You are able to withdraw at any time before completing the online survey.

Should you agree to participate, you will be requested to complete an online survey of twenty questions, including multiple-choice and open questions. Questions will relate to your personal reading habits, types of music publications you enjoy reading and your opinions surrounding the inclusion and exclusion of specific musical topics in future publications.

Participants are able to withdraw at any time before completing the online survey. Note, however, that once participants have submitted answers to the survey questions, their answers cannot be withdrawn or removed.

Privacy and confidentiality will be maintained for all participants. Participants of the online surveys will not be requested to provide any personal information.

The researcher will be responsible for the security, storage and management of all data; the only other person who will have access to the data is his supervisor, David Barker. All data will be safely stored in a password-protected computer, and regular back-ups will be stored on a memory stick.

All results will be used to contribute to the project’s design and production and will be used as primary research within a critical reflection. The results will not be submitted for publication.

Note that departments within University of Derby will review this project: the School of Humanities and Journalism Research Committee, University of Derby Ethics Committee, the major publishing project supervisor, David Barker, and module leader, Jocelyn Hargrave.

If participants wish to enquire about any of the findings of the online survey, they can do so by contacting: 

Mark Kenney,

MA Publishing, University of Derby

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Participant Age *
Participant Gender *
On average, how many books do you typically read in a month?
Do you prefer reading fiction or non-fiction books?
When reading non-fiction books, what genre do you read most often?
Which music genre do you listen to the most?
Do you study or have you studied a music-related qualification?
Do you prefer reading music-related books for educational reasons or for your own personal enjoyment?
Approximately how many music-related books do you read in a year?
Which of these music-related online media platforms do you use the most?
What motivated your decision to join or be a part of an indie band?
How long have you been performing in an indie band?

Do you find that music handbooks, guidebooks or publications in general are useful for learning to write and perform music?


Please explain your answer to the previous question.

Have you ever thought about purchasing an indie band handbook, or do you regret not buying one when you first started your indie band?

Which of these topics do you believe is the most crucial to include in an indie band handbook?

Are there any additional topics that were not mentioned previously that should be included in an indie band handbook?
Who do you think is most suitable to write an indie band handbook?
Please explain your answer to the previous question.
Which of these books, based solely on their cover style, would you be most inclined to pick up?
If you are interested in getting more actively involved and would like to contribute to the researcher's project by writing a draft chapter of the handbook, please reach out to the researcher for additional details. Feel free to add any additional comments below.
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