Audio Fiction Podcast Tagging
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Show ID
(Don't edit this - if you've come from the show page it will fill automatically.)
Podcast title
RSS feed
Podcast website
Podcast format
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Episode length
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Continuity - for book or drama podcasts
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Continuity - for RPG actual plays
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Genre - pick three
Primary genre - what fits your show better than any other?
Vibe - how does the show "feel"?
Adaptation - was the work adapted from something else?
Framing device
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Audience interactivity
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Game system - for RPG actual plays eg D&D ("Multiple" if you play lots of different ones)
Setting - if you're a fanfic or actual play within an existing franchise (eg Doctor Who, Star Trek)
Transcript - either a link to where they can be found, of if in eg show notes (must not be behind a paywall)
Demographic information
Go more specific. Do you have WLW relationships in your show, or is it primarily by black creators? Tell me that here. It'll help me work on more specific tagging in the long term.
Content warnings - parts of the show listeners might want to be forewarned of
Country of origin
Please only one country - 75% from one place? Go for that. If you're more evenly split or have no focus, go for "International".
Suggest three other shows (not your own) that you think fans of your show will like.
Any email address provided will only be used to contact you regarding this database (and is not required).
Your email address will not be shared, sold or given to any third party.
If you want your email address removing from the database, just contact me via
Social media
Any social media you have and discord links if you have them/want to share them. (Please not just a username - I need the platform you're on!)
Free space
Anything else you think applies. This will let me see trends and develop new tagging.
Do you offer an ad-free version? If so, where can people get that? Or is the main feed ad free?
What is the best option for people to financially support you - please provide a link.
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