Membership Survey 

Hey there! So, after a ton of requests from you all, We're actually thinking about launching a membership. But here’s the deal — we want it to be something truly special, and that’s where you come in. We're in the early stages of figuring out what to offer. Maybe bonus episodes, some exclusive content, behind-the-scenes stuff, a community space, and a whole bunch of other perks—there are so many possibilities.

But if this is going to be something YOU will love, we need YOUR input. Are you up for helping us out? We've put together a quick survey to gather your ideas and feedback.

Thanks so much for being a part of this journey with us. Let’s build something amazing together!

- Jordan & Gabriel

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How did you find the survey? (Select one or add another platform 'Other')
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How often do you listen to The Jordan Harbinger Show? 
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What is your favorite podcast format? (Select 1 or add another format "Other")
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On a scale of 1 to 5, what is the primary reason you listen to The Jordan Harbinger Show?

1 being purely for entertainment and 5 being for strategic business application
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I'm considering offering exclusive bonus podcast content in the membership.

Which types of bonus podcast content are you most interested in?
 (Select up to 3 or add in your own idea "Other").
[OPTIONAL] Do you have a great idea for a podcast concept? 

It could be a topic, type of segment, unique format, or any other creative suggestion.
Besides bonus episodes, which types of exclusive membership benefits are you most interested in? (Select up to 5 or add in your own idea "Other").
On a scale of 1 to 5, how valuable would ad-free episodes be to you? 
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[OPTIONAL] Do you have an idea for additional membership benefits? Love to hear it! Submit your idea below.

Is there something you've always wished I would do, or perhaps something you'd like to see more of?
If my membership offered the below perks, what would you be willing to spend each month?
- 4+ monthly bonus podcast segments (extended bits of Feedback Friday, for example)
- Exclusive non-podcast content 
- Polls & Submissions
- Community chat
- And more
If I offer at least 2 bonus episodes per month, what length would make you feel satisfied with the content?
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If you're interested in joining the membership, what would be your primary motivations? (Select up to 2 or provide your own reason "Other").
[OPTIONAL] I’d love to learn a little more about you to make sure I’m delivering you the right content! 

Would you be willing to answer a few more questions? This is completely optional! 
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Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey! Your input is really going to help create the best membership for YOU!
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