Accelerate your Startup Investing path.
Startup Investor Accelerator(SIA) is a world-class training program for angel investors based on Learning-by-Doing methodology. The program is part of Mossy Ventures, and for 15 years now it is specialised in creating active investors.

In this program,  across 3 months, new angel investors (From North Americ and Europe) go through a structured process, where they learn the ropes of investing, and make a group angel investment.

In the process we explore the topics of company selection, startup analysis, due diligence, portfolio construction, deal terms, deal-flow set-up, and introductions to the local investor and startup communities.

Participants discuss and debate, and by doing they learn. Participants of this program not only develop skills but also make a real investment alongside experienced Investors.  By filling up this form, you are requesting further information about this program.
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Tell us about your goals
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If you have invested in startups,  how many startups have you invested in? *
What size cheque would you prefer to write for startup investments? *
Why are you interested in this program? *
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What country do you live in? *
Do you have any questions about the program?
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