Apply To WEBSMP!
WebSMP is back for Season 4! Want to be a part of it? Apply here!
If you apply despite not fitting the below requirements your application may be discarded.

Applicants must be:
- 16+ years of age (or will be by July 2024)
- Able to play modded Minecraft Java and use Discord
- Able to participate regularly - at least once a week ideally
- Obviously, not a bigot of any variety.
- Not a requirement, but heavy preference will be given to people who are an active streamer or other video longform content creator (YouTuber, etc). Non-CC applicants must be comfortable being in content, of course.

WebSMP is a Minecraft SMP with a mixture of fun hanging out, and a long-reaching multi-contributor lore that adapts based on every player's choices and personal stories. The server has a mix of people with different Minecraft skillsets, such as builders, redstoners, and roleplayers, and most survival playstyles are accomodated. It has a very friendly, casual environment. It is very LGBT friendly and features creators from many different backgrounds. The server is not PG and most of our content is aimed generally towards a higher age range.

Season 4 will both continue past lore, and introduce a new story, allowing all new members to participate just as much as previous members. Players may engage with lore to the level they wish, including not engaging if they so choose. You do not need knowledge of previous season's lore to join - we'll bring you up to speed if you are accepted. There is a wiki available with which you can look into the lore if you want, though it's not 100% up to date lol

Season 4 will also be modded. The modpack is designed to have an 'improved vanilla' feel, and is also designed to be lightweight, allowing players with weaker systems to enjoy the game equally. More information on the modpack can be given upon request.

[NEW] Applications from now on will be considered for a midseason addition, not sure yet when that might be, so please be patient if you want to apply now!
Name and/or screen name? *
Pronouns? *
Age? (This information will only be shared with admins for safety reasons. If we find you have lied about your age, your app will be discarded and you will be banned from future apps.)
Are you currently an active streamer, YouTuber, or other longform video creator with intent to continue being such? *
Link to your primary channel? If you are not an active CC, please provide a link to your main social media account
Do you currently have access to Java Minecraft? *
Are you likely to be available on the community day? (Saturday) [This is not a requirement, but be aware that the server is less active away from this time!] *
Are you familiar with WebSMP? (Have watched any of the streams/VODs etc) *
Are you interested in engaging with the lore of the SMP? *
Are you willing to follow the rules of the SMP if you are invited? *
What type of Minecrafter do you primarily consider yourself? (This will not affect your app, just let us know more about you!)
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Anything else you want us to know about you? Give us the spiel about yourself!
Best place to contact you if you're accepted? (Discord, Twitter etc) [Please give your username, not just the platform!]
If your application is accepted, we will contact you to schedule a short chat just to make sure we're all on the same page.

We will try and get back to everyone, but please be patient - we recieved a lot of applications last time, and may not be able to respond to every one!

Please make sure you have your Discord set to be able to accept friend requests, and look out for a request from Shrinebird!
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