Undergraduate research bootcamp
     Our research bootcamp (virtual, May 22-26) aims to promote a working understanding of the basics of research and data science. In the course of one week, students will learn to read scientific papers, formulate scientific hypotheses, and learn the basics of secondary data analysis (looking at data that is already collected). We will investigate an exciting, longitudinal research project. Students will start a research project in small groups over the course of the week and present their findings to their peers and instructors.
     Day-to-day, the bootcamp is composed of interactive lectures and application of lessons in a group setting. Students should expect to spend roughly half of their time in lecture and half engaged in applying the content they have learned over the week.  After completion of the program, instructors will be available to help students brainstorm how to obtain additional research experiences.
    No prior research experience is needed and participation is free. All you need is a laptop and full-time availability May 22-26. Once your application is received, you will be notified as to your status within 1-2 weeks. If accepted, a more specific schedule will be provided. If you need assistance completing this application, please email adkinsae@vcu.edu.
     Priority deadline is May 1, 2023 by 5pm.

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Name *
Email *
What is your major? *
What is your anticipated graduation date? *
What is your sex assigned at birth? *
Which best describes your current gender identity? (Please mark all that apply.) Note: "Transgender" is term used to describe people whose gender identity differs from the sex the doctor marked on their birth certificate. "Cisgender" refers to people whose sex at birth and current gender identity are aligned. "Genderqueer" and "non-binary" can refer to those who have sex-gender incongruence, or may not experience gender as either woman or man.  "Gender nonconforming" refers to gender expression that does not match the gender norms of the gender they are perceived to be by society. "Questioning" is the process of exploring and discovering one's own gender identity or gender expression. *
Which race category do you most closely identify with? (If more than one race, please select all that apply.) *
Which category best describes your ethnicity? *
Please tell us why you are interested in participating in the bootcamp? *
How might this experience help you in the future? For example, how will this experience assist you with your future college and/or career goals? *
Is there anything specific you hope we cover during the week?
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