Startup Governance Framework
Kindly share your feedback on the Startup Governance Framework which can be downloaded from Startup20 website:

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Your name *
Name of your organization *
Designation *
Official email id *
Mobile Number
Which country are you located in? *
How are you or your organization connected with the startup ecosystem of your country?
Would a referenceable Startup Governance Framework be useful for the startup ecosystems in G20 countries to ensure growth of well Self Governed Startups? *
Is the recommended Startup Governance Framework a good starting point for Indian startup ecosystem and for corresponding Startup20 ecosystems collaboration across G20 countries?
The Startup Governance Framework document depicts a matrix of self governance for early stage, growth stage and Pre-IPO / IPO stage Startups. Do you think it is comprehensive to begin with?
Do you feel this Startup Governance Framework will create greater trust in stakeholders and promote active cross border G20 investor and startup collaborations?
Do you agree that ESG (Environmental, social, and corporate governance ) adoption should be a recommended  theme of the Startup Governance Framework at least in the growth and pre-IPO / IPO stage?
Would you like to share further suggestions or feedback
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