New Student Interest Questionnaire
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Email *
If you didn't graduate from HSRA, which high-school did you attend / are you attending?
Your Name: *
Phone number: *
High School Graduation Date: *
What is your overall high school attendance record: *
Have you been in the HSRA Studio-4 advisory during high school? *
Did you participate in HSRA's VIP Program or in another video program? *
Did you participate in any Business of Music classes? *
Describe a few of your favorite projects you were involved in high school: *
Describe a few of your favorite high school projects you were involved in: *
Describe in a few sentences your interests for a career: *
Describe your proficiency with computers, and production software *
What recording experience do you have? *
Are you willing to prepare/study for an entry exam? *
Are you committed to complete the program to be eligible for career placement assistance in an industry job? *
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