MBPCDA Presents: Careers in Clinical Chemistry
The MBPCDA is honoured to host Dr. Brian Lam, Clinical Chemistry Fellow at UCLA, on Monday, June 26, from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM via Zoom for his talk titled "Make over 200k with a PhD and a clinical career". Please register below to receive a Zoom link to the webinar.

Questions? Contact us at mbpcda@gmail.com.


Dr. Lam's Biography

Like all undergrads, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life, and I obtained a Bachelor of Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. I then worked at several private schools but realized my love for science surpassed my passion for education. Thus, I completed my master's in mass spectrometry-based peptide analysis under K.W. Michael Siu at York University. Subsequently, I landed a research internship at SCIEX, a mass spectrometry company, and worked here for two years. I decided to pursue further education and began a doctorate on regional proteomic profiling of glioblastoma in Phedias Diamandis' lab at the University of Toronto. After interacting with numerous Clinical Chemists, I realized how exciting this opportunity could be. Thus, I joined the University of California Los Angeles Fellowship for Clinical Chemistry and am working towards that goal. Throughout my academic journey, I have learned the importance of keeping an open mind and exploring and learning about as many options as possible; you never know where life will take you.
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