DEUSA2 Fleet Survey 

This survey is part of the nationwide DRIVE Electric USA 2 (DEUSA2) project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. The survey is 33 questions (maximum, depending on your responses) and is estimated to take 15 minutes.
Please answer all the questions. For further information please contact your state's Drive Electric program team. We greatly appreciate your time and feedback!

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First and Last Name


Email address


Which state are you primarily located in?


Which state(s) do you operate in? Please list all that apply.


Fleet Name


Your job or role within the organization (Fleet Manager, Technician, Sustainability Director, etc.)


Total fleet size 


Do you have any previous experience with electric vehicles (EVs)?


If you answered "Yes" to the question above, please tell us about your previous experience with EVs.

Do you currently have any EVs in your fleet?


Have you ever considered EVs for your fleet?


Do you have previous experience with charging infrastructure/implementation? 


What is your current understanding of what adopting EVs would entail for your fleet?


What is your level of interest in purchasing EVs? (Choose all that apply)


Why are you considering EV adoption? (Choose all that apply)

Please rank the following from most important to least important for your fleet when considering EV adoption, with 1 being most important and 6 being least important. 
Cost savings
Emissions reductions
EVs being able to meet the needs of the fleet/drive and duty cycles
Adding customer value (if applicable)
Being an early adopter

What are your goals as they relate to EV adoption? (Choose all that apply)

How soon do you see your fleet adopting EVs? 
What are your main concerns when it comes to adopting EVs? (Choose all that apply) 
What are your fleet’s biggest challenges? 
Do you think EVs will benefit your community/business/etc.? 
Why do you think EVs will or will not benefit your community? 
Do you think EVs are where the future of transportation is heading? (Please explain your answer below.)
Are you aware of any EV or EV charging infrastructure projects going on in your area that you would be willing to share with us? 
If you answered "Yes" to the question above, please share the project details below (if you are able to do so).
Are you familiar with potential financial incentives for which your fleet is eligible? 
Have you been awarded any grant funding to implement charging infrastructure? 
If you answered "Yes" to the question above, please share the funding details below (if you are able to do so).
Is your fleet required to meet any directives regarding reducing greenhouse gas emissions or sustainability initiatives? 
If you answered "Yes" to the question above, please share the details below (if you are able to do so).
Who would need to be involved in a decision to implement EVs into the fleet? 
Do you have staff who are leaders or have an interest in or passion for EVs (i.e., staff who will be a champion during deployment and training)?
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If you would like to schedule a follow-up conversation about this project/survey or receive more information regarding fleet electrification, please enter your contact information below (name, email, and phone number) and someone from your local organization will be in contact. 
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