Newport Cruiser Party RSVP Form 
Fill out this form to RSVP for the party! The event will be happening at the Newport Boat Show on Saturday, September 16th at 6 pm.  Additional details to follow! **Must be an active print or digital subscriber to join the fun! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name of Subscriber *
Email Associated with Subscription *
Phone Number (for notifications on event changes or updates)
Are You Bringing a Plus One?
Each subscriber can bring one guest to the Cruiser Party. If you need additional wrist bands they can be purchased for $25 each. This will include a full pizza/pasta buffet and two drink tickets. If you know that you will need extra tickets please click the second choice below. These tickets are first come first serve.
Interested in a Cruiser Party T-Shirt? ($20 at booth)
Please type below how many shirts you would like and what sizes
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