Hike the North: Register as an Author
Hello, outdoor friend!πŸ‘‹πŸŒ³

We are quite excited to know more about you! It will be a short questionnaire, promise ☺️
There are some questions below, most of them are optional. Please answer them and we will get back to you shortly!

Take care and stay wild!✌️
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How often do you hike? *
Where do you hike mostly? *
How do you feel about writing about specific trails that you've experienced? *
How do you create content about your hiking experiences? *
If you're creating content like taking photos, videos or creating any kind of content, please provide some information regarding that.
Your name *
Your email *
We need your email address to be able reach out to you.
About yourself *
Provide a brief information about you.
Links to your accounts
It can be your Instagram, YouTube or your personal website or your blog. Provide as many as you want!
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