Westfield Incoming Kindergartener Survey
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form which allows us to "get to know" your child before they enter our doors on the first day of school in the Fall. Knowing more about your child will also help us make thoughtful class placement decisions and set children up for a successful year at Westfield! This information gets sent directly to the principal and is only shared with the kindergarten team.
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Email *
Parent(s) First and Last Name(s) *
Parent phone number *
Parent address *
Child's First and Last Name *
What is your child's gender? *
What is your child's birth date? *
Does your child have any allergies? If yes, please list. *
Is this your first child at Westfield School? *
Who lives with your family / What are your family dynamics? *
Are there other languages spoken in your home? If so, what language? *
Did your child attend preschool? If so, what was the name of the program/school? *
List any Early Intervention Services your child has received. *
Please check all the words that best describe your child *
My child stays interested in self-chosen activities for *
My child participates in daily family routines and chores *
My child takes care of bathroom needs independently *
My child enjoys playing with other children his/her own age *
My child follows 3 part directions ("Please turn on the light, turn off the television and bring me the book.") *
When asked to do an activity that is not preferred, my child *
My child knows how to hold and use pencils and crayons *
My child knows how to use scissors appropriately *
My child can independently get dressed to go outside (coat, hat, gloves, etc) *
Someone reads to my child? *
My child can print his/her first name *
My child recognizes and names numbers *
My child recognizes and names the letters of the alphabet when shown in random order *
My child can name the sounds associated with the letters of the alphabet *
Have there been any significant experiences in your child's life that we should be aware of? (e.g., moves, deaths, significant events or changes) *
What do you feel are your child's strengths? *
What goals do you have for your child in kindergarten? *
Please share if there is anything else that is important for us to know about your child.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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