CS50 Alumni
Have you finished CS50, CS50x, CS50 AI, CS50 Games, CS50 Python, or CS50 Web?  Like to field questions on CS50's subreddit at http://www.reddit.com/r/cs50 and/or CS50's Discord server at http://discord.gg/cs50 as an alum (i.e., graduate) of CS50?  

Let us know your reddit and/or discord username below so that we can give you an "alum flair" on reddit and/or a discord role so that students know you're there to help!

You'll also need to provide a link to your completion certificate (either the edX Verified or CS50 Certificate) to verify that you have completed the course.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
reddit username
be sure it's correct!
discord username
be sure to include your entire handle (including the #number if you still have one!), eg. malan#3259
github username *
be sure it's correct! we may use this for verification!
Which course did you complete? *
You will need to submit this form again, once, for each course you've completed for which you'd like alum flair . Other courses not listed here are not currently eligible for alum flair.
Link to your certificate *
Please post the URL to your CS50 completion certificate or your edX Verified certificate. Make sure the link is for the certificate for the above-indicated course.
How did you take CS50? *
City, State, Country
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