Hip Hop Congress Chapter Registration Form

On behalf of Hip Hop Congress, Inc. we thank you for your dedication to the Culture by taking on a role of leadership in your community.  Our goal as one of Hip Hop's largest grassroots nonprofits is to best serve your needs and interest through our global network resources.  Describing your chapter’s needs and goals will help us better serve you through HHC's regionally, nationally, and internationally coordinated efforts. Please review this board MEMO for requirements and benefits of becoming an official chapter of HHC. 

Please answer the following questions to become recognized as an official Hip Hop Congress Chapter!
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Your Name *
Your Title *
examples: chapter head, advisor, chapter president, chapter leader
Phone number *
Primary contact number for chapter leadership
Email Address *
Primary email for chapter leadership
Mailing Address
What type of chapter are you forming?
Name of chapter and what city and country will your HHC chapter be located in?
Is your chapter at a school or is it neighborhood/community-based group?
Please list the name(s) of any Chapter leadership members and their titles.   Start-up chapters require at least one primary contact person.  The addition of least two more members in leadership roles is required to become an official HHC Chapter.
Hip Hop Congress, Inc. requires at least 3 out of 5 elements of impact for HHC chapter activity.  Please identify the areas you intend to impact. Check all that apply.
How did you hear about Hip Hop Congress? *
If Other, please list source. Examples: Google, YouTube, HHC personal referral (include name), event (list event), rejoining, etc.
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