Transforming Our Communities: Thurston-Mason Regional Gathering In-Person Registration

Transforming our Communities: Learning Together, Supporting Each Other

4th Annual Transforming Our Communities Gathering

June 27-28, 2023

LOCATION: Squaxin Island Community Kitchen - 70 SE Squaxin Lane, Shelton, WA  98584
TIME: 8:30am - 3:00pm PT

This annual 2-day event aims to bring diverse participants together to understand the perspectives of people who use drugs, understand the importance of equitable access to care and services, build partnerships and connect people within their communities, and brainstorm new and fresh ideas.

This year’s event will be hybrid, with virtual presentations and panels and regional in-person gatherings around Washington State for networking and discussion.

Join us for presentations and panels on:

  • Grief and loss
  • Harm reduction
  • Drug checking
  • Youth and opioid use disorder
  • Region-specific content planned by local teams (in-person only)
Attendees will be able to gather at a regional site for in-person conversation. You'll be able to view the virtual content on site in the morning and then participate in discussions and afternoon presentations on how this impacts your region within the state. Alternatively, you can watch the virtual sessions in the morning and then join your regional site in person for the afternoon in person discussions. You can choose your options in the registration info below.

Feel free to bring your own lunch or explore food options near the site during the extended lunch break. Light refreshments will be provided in the morning and afternoon.

There are a limited number of seats available. Please only register if you are planning on coming in-person. If you change your mind or can no longer make it in-person, please reach out to Ali Lenox at

For more information about the gathering visit: 
To connect with your regional site, please email:
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First & Last Name *
Email *
What county do you live/work in? (Select the most relevant)
Regional In-Person Sites
Regional sites provide an option for attendees to participate in a hybrid experience. You'll be able to watch the statewide virtual content in your community with your neighbors.  

After lunch, in-person attendees will have an opportunity to discuss the morning sessions and then look at how these issues impact all of us at the local level. 

Some attendees may choose to join the in-person gathering after the lunch break while others will want to spend the full day together. 

To help our regional partners plan, we're asking folks to let us know if they're joining for the full day or just the afternoon session. 
Will you be attending in-person all day on the 27th or after the break? *
Will you be attending in-person all day on the 28th or after the break? *
What organization, nonprofit, or project are you affiliated with? (If applicable)
What sector do you most identify with?
Please let us know if you have any needs that will this gathering more accessible to you. (ASL interpretation, live transcription, translation services)
Please share one thing that you're hoping to gain from attending this year's gathering.
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