Registration for a Virtual Docent Tour of "Taking Shape"
To register for one or more of our upcoming virtual docent tours of "Taking Shape: Abstraction from the Arab World, 1950s–1980s," please complete and submit the following form. We will contact you the Thursday prior to your scheduled tour with a Zoom link and instructions on how to join online.

To register for an in-person docent tour of "Taking Shape" in the galleries, please register here:

If you have any questions regarding this event or with the form, please contact Rachel Chamberlain at

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Personal Info:
Name *
Email Address *
Guest's Name (optional)
Guest's Email Address (if applicable)
Please include the email addresses of all of your invited guests so that we may send them links to the Zoom tour.
Tour Dates:
Select a Tour *
Please select one or more of the following dates for a virtual tour.
City of Residence
To get a better idea of how well the McMullen Museum is reaching out to its community, we'd like to know where our visitors are coming from. If you'd be so kind, would you mind letting us know which city or neighborhood you live in (i.e. Brighton, Jamaica Plain, Wellesley, Newton, etc.)? This information helps us to continue providing free programs, open to a broad audience.
Please feel free to contact the McMullen Museum at with any questions or concerns. For more information on our current exhibition and upcoming events, visit us on the web at
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