Ethnic Minority Business Start-up Commitment Objectives
Strategic UK Group is doing a business start-up engagement for Young People, Women, Ethnic Minority, and Disability target groups. This engagement is been carried out to identify and understand the commitment objectives to provide an improved support for starting up a business.

What is involved?
Our team needs help from Young People, Women, Ethnic Minority, and Disability to help Strategic UK Group to develop and review our “Business Start-up Commitment Objectives”.

For this engagement your time is appreciated and valued for reviewing our Business Start-up Commitment Objectives. You will receive a 25% discount on Business Plan phase of the New Business Start-up Programme.

What do I need to do?
1.  Read the Business Start-up Commitment Objectives.
2.  Answer the 10 questions stated.

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Ethnic Minority Business (EMB) Start-up Commitment Objectives
The commitment by Strategic UK Group is to support ethnic minority to uncover their potential and their ideas for starting up their own business.

1. Support ambitious Ethnic Minority Business with quality support to meet the specific needs of Ethnic Minority Business. Provide EMBs the capability to accessible ongoing initiatives that provides comprehensive, intensive, and targeted packages of support that lends to successful start-up of their business.

2. Build trusted appropriate support to increase EMB’s uptake of recognised services. Break the lack of understanding support provided to EMBs by building better knowledge and resources to establish trust-based relationships and provide improved support.

3. Break barriers of distrust to encourage Ethnic Minority Business to engage in formal business support provided by Strategic UK Group and its platform Strategic HUB. To understand EMBs specific needs, priority during the business start-up journey.

4. Create an inclusive enterprise policy and framework that signals the importance of support for ethnic minority business. Gather improved data on entrepreneurial diversity.

5. Create learning resource accessible to EMBs on specific business start-up topics, and learning areas in marketing, strategy, social media, and accounting.

6. Back to fundamental education in business to enhance knowledge of accounting, marketing, strategy. Fundamental education in business will be available online and learning in specific knowledge gaps.

7. Improving availability of professional advice e.g., Legal, Accounting, Design, and other services necessary to enable successful business start-up. Our platform Strategic HUB will provide professional partner accessibly to ethnic minority to enable better understanding of business start-up stages.

The New Business Start-up Programme is to encourage Ethnic Minority to take steps to start a meaning full conversation about their business start-up ideas at their own pace without taking any risks to identifying funding or understanding.
Would you like to discuss your business start-up idea with a Associate?
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1. What best describes commitment objectives for Ethnic Minority start-up business? *
2. Do the seven objectives stated meet the requirements for Ethnic Minority Business? *
3. How can our new business start-up programme support EMBs with their ambition? *
4.What support do Ethnic Minority need for starting up their own business? *
5. How can our new business start-up programme support EMBs over a 24 month? *
6. How can Strategic UK Group break barrier down for Ethnic Minority to support their ambition to starting up a business? *
7. What policy or framework would support Ethnic Minority to enrol on our new business start-up programme? *
8. How can our New Business Start-up Programme help ethnic minority? *
9.What learning support does Ethnic Minority need from our new business start-up programme? *
10. Do Ethnic Minority need a fundamental business learning course to fill knowledge gaps?   
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