Thanks for hosting! Select your hosting gifts!
Thank you SO much for hosting!  You won't regret it! Norwex is the most generous host reward plan out there and you are doing your friends, family, and the planet a favor in a big way by sharing our important mission to radically reduce chemicals and waste in homes and the planet. Hosting is EASY! I do my parties either VIRTUALLY or In-Person (for those of you in the San Antonio/ Austin area (since I'm in New Braunfels)!

The *best* thing you can do as a host to help your party sales, grow your FREE rewards items and spree dollars, and create the best impact -  is to be INTERACTIVE with your guests!! I make it easy and fun for you! 😊I have a proven formula for success.  When it is followed, the results are AMAZING!💕

Start making your guest list and telling your friends it's coming!  LET'S GET YOU ON YOUR WAY TO LOTS OF FREE NORWEX REWARDS!!

830.255.7570 or 319.270.7822
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Full Name *
Select which Norwex party you told Sonya you'd be hosting in:
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Any additional things I need to know about your party? :) 
Email Address: *
Cell Phone Number: *
Mailing Address (INCLUDING city, state, zip!!) to mail your host sample gifts: *
Name of host who's party you're booking from so I can give them credit (if it's me, just put Sonya): *
What parts of the Norwex mission most resonate with you? Pick as many as apply.
Please choose up to 5 Norwex items below that most interest you to try in your gift bag from me.   *(I will try my best, based on inventory, to give you at least 3 of your 5 faves).
Have you ever considered becoming a Norwex Consultant?
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The biggest thing that determines the success of a party (and host rewards💕) is how you INVITE and how you stay connected with your guests during the workshop! My goal is to make hosting SUPER simple & I'll guide you specifically through the inviting process! It's FAST, FUN and simple to host!
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As my thank you for hosting in February, I would like to give you a special gift when we close your qualifying party! A *FREE* packet of laundry strips! 😍 Be SURE to go to the bottom to SUBMIT this form or it won't save. 
If you are on Facebook & we're not yet FB friends, send me a friend request & DM me to let me know to look for it! :)
 ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ Watch this quick video for how the Norwex Host Perks work! 💕   🤗  Host Perks explained here!
What are the host rewards this month? Please note - you need AT LEAST ONE booking to unlock additional shopping spree money at the $300 level rewards.  CHECK out these awesome hosting rewards!!!!! 💕NOTE: Hosting rewards may differ slightly each month. 
Here is our October 2024 Catalog Link
Thank you SO much for hosting with me! I am so passionate about teaching people a better, safer, more environmentally responsible way and my hosts help exponentially impact homes and the planet. Plus, this is how I support my family and you should know we all are grateful for you! I hope to earn you tons of fabulous Norwex for free! 🎉
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