Thanks for hosting! Select your hosting gifts!
Thank you SO much for hosting! You won't regret it! Norwex is the most generous host reward plan out there and you are doing your friends, family, and the planet a favor in a big way by sharing our important mission to radically reduce chemicals and waste in homes and the planet. Hosting is EASY! I do my parties either VIRTUALLY or In-Person (for those of you in the San Antonio/ Austin area (since I'm in New Braunfels)!
The *best* thing you can do as a host to help your party sales, grow your FREE rewards items and spree dollars, and create the best impact - is to be INTERACTIVE with your guests!! I make it easy and fun for you! 😊I have a proven formula for success. When it is followed, the results are AMAZING!💕
Start making your guest list and telling your friends it's coming! LET'S GET YOU ON YOUR WAY TO LOTS OF FREE NORWEX REWARDS!!
830.255.7570 or 319.270.7822