Nordstrom's Tree Farm Job Application - Seasonal

We work hard, treat each other like family, and have fun! Apply below and we will follow up based on your skills and our needs this coming season. 

Compensation depends on your your experience and age but typically ranges from $12 to $15 per hour.

Hiring contracted labor for outdoor positions only. Thank you!

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Are you available to work on Thanksgiving weekend? Explain. *
What is your age range? Must be at least 16. *
If you are 20 years or older, tell us about your experience with a chain saw or driving a tractor. We can train you.
Are you comfortable working hard outdoors in poor weather? Sometimes the weather is beautiful, sometimes it's not. *
Strongly no
Strongly yes
Tell us about your experience with with trees, if any. *
Anything else we should know?
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