Dear Survivor
In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Community Safety Network of Jackson, WY, is collecting words of encouragement and empathy for survivors of domestic violence and abuse.  Please share your words on the form below, or if you'd like to submit via mail or in person, visit our Dear Survivor webpage for more details.
  • The message can be as simple as “you’re not alone” or as long and detailed as you like.
  • If you are a survivor yourself, what do you wish someone had said to you, in the depths of your experience with abuse?
  • Or maybe someone said something that sticks with you to this day – please feel free to share that message with other survivors.  

Our goal is for survivors and all community members to see these messages and feel overwhelming love and support. 

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Please share your words here: *
Optional: Your Name
Optional: I am interested in helping CSN
Optional: Your email address or phone number
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