The Church of the Redeemer Application for Community Engagement Grant 2024-25
The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer invites requests from community nonprofit agencies in Baltimore City in need of financial support. While we are unable to meet the needs of all the groups submitting requests, we carefully consider each one. Currently, our most significant grants are made to organizations and programs providing life-sustaining services, shelter, jobs and education; our parish is particularly focused on serving neighborhoods and communities in which we have existing partnerships and relationships on the ground.

Below is the online application form to be submitted by November 15, 2024. The Community Engagement Grants Team will notify applicants of decision by December 15, 2024. We look forward to hearing from your agency and are willing to assist you with this application. Feel free to contact us at with any questions or concerns.
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Name of Organization
Street Address
Mailing Address (if different)
Phone number
Email address
Contact person/Title
Amount requested for this project
If you received a grant from us last year, skip to Question 2 below. Answer Question 1 only if there has been a major change in your organization.
1. Explain your organization: include Mission Statement, Areas Served, Number of people served last year, Number of years in service, Budget for last fiscal year, Major funding sources, Number of employees, Number of volunteers and volunteer hours for last year, Board of Directors and verification of 501c3 status.
2. Explain your proposed project for 2024-2025. Include: community need and rationale for the request, goals and objectives, people served, collaborations from community, evaluation process.
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