Council of Writing Program Administrators Connections (Collaborative Mentoring) Program Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Council of Writing Program Administrators Mentoring Program. This year, we are launching "CWPA Connections," a collaborative peer mentoring model in which pairs or small groups with common interests or dilemmas meet regularly. 

By February 10, 2025, please fill out the following form to indicate your interest in participating in the Council of Writing Program Administrators Connections Program. Writing program administrators at any stage of their career can participate. We especially welcome mid- and late-career writing program administrators.  Participation in the Connections Program involves a commitment from March 1 to June 1, 2025, with the option to extend the program into the summer based on the preferences of each mentor pair or small group. 

The CWPA Mentoring Committee will match participants along common mentoring interests and--if requested and if possible--around similar institutional experiences. By participating in this program, participants agree to

  1. Define their own goals for their Connections group
  2. Schedule online meetings as needed during the mentoring cycle 
  3. Communicate promptly with each other
  4. Treat each other with respect; listen to each other; and learn from each other

Your Google Form responses will be viewed by the CWPA Mentoring Committee, composed of James Cochran (Hartwick College), Scott Gage (Texas A&M University-San Antonio), Kelly Moreland (Minnesota State University), and Amanda Presswood (Southern New Hampshire University). Please direct any questions to James Cochran (
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