Donate Goods and bring smiles..!!
Gift goods to the needy and bring smiles in their lives.

You can donate old goods like electronic items, books, school bags, clothes etc. or can gift new new products including stationary and school bags for slum children, clothes, sweets, edible products, sanitary napkins, etc. for the needy sections of the society.

You can enter the details of goods you wish to donate. Our volunteers will connect with you at an opportune time to help in logistics and gifting it to the deserving and needy people.
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Name *
Email ID *
Mobile No. *
Whatsapp No.
Your Hometown and State *
(Eg:- Jaipur, Rajasthan)
What's your current location ? *
(Eg:- Delhi)
Please write in brief about the goods you wish to donate.
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