Bay Bulls FRC Summer 2024 Survey 
The KFFRC provides FREE programs from Kilbride to Cappahayden to families with children ages 0-11. We host drop-in playgroups, a toy lending library, clothing exchange, parent education and support groups, as well as a prenatal/postnatal support group program.

We are here to offer programs and support for you and your family. Please fill out this survey to help us improve programming and services and to let us know what you would like to see offered this year at your Family Resource Centre.

All answers are anonymous. To be entered in a draw for a $50 gift card, please let your Family Resource Educator know that you filled out this survey.

If you have further questions about our programs, please feel free to email or call 709-747-8532.
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How did you find out about your local Family Resource Centre?
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How long have you been attending programs at the Centre?
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What are the ages of your children that attend programming? Check all that apply. 
As a family, what do you feel are your greatest challenges? Please check all that apply. 
What other challenges would you like support for as a family?
We are always looking for ways to support your family's needs and offer programs that suit the needs of your families.

If they were offered, would you be interested in any of the following programs/services? Please check all that apply. 
We hope to offer a structured in-person parenting support program for families with school age children age 6 - 11 starting Winter 2025 (our staff will have received specific program training t offer this course). Is this something your family would be interested in?
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Would you be interested in having your car seat checked or installed by a trained car seat technician?
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What methods do you use to keep informed of programs and events happening at your local family resource centre?
Would you be interested in attending stand-alone parenting sessions on any of these topics (check all that apply). 
Please let us know if there are other parenting topics you are looking for support with. 
Would your family be interested in attending evening or weekend (morning) playgroups during the school year. 
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We are always looking for ways to improve! Please check the box that best describes your experiences attending your Family Resource Centre. 

How would you rate your satisfaction with the programs we offer?
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When attending programs at my Family Resource Centre, my child(ren) and I always feel welcomed. 
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I feel the Family Resource Centre is a safe and welcome space for all families, regardless of income, ethnicity, or family structure. 
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The staff at my Family Resource Centre are knowledgeable in topics related to families and parenting.
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Staff at our Family Resource Centre are helpful with educating parents on positive parenting including positive discipline.
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The Family Resource Centre I attend is welcoming, clean and well-maintained. 
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When my child(ren) attend a drop-in-play playgroup, there is a good variety of toys, sensory, and arts and crafts materials for them to use. 
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Children's interests are taken into account when it comes to activities, toys, and craft materials selected for programs. 
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I am aware of other programs offered at the resource centre including the kids clothing program, children's library, car seat installations and checks, toy library, and parent resource library. 
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The snacks served to children during playgroup are healthy and offer a variety of foods from the Canada Food Guide.
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The materials (toys, and resources) at your Family Resource Centre are current and in good condition.
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We want your opinions! What does the Family Resource Centre mean to you? How has your family benefitted from attending programs? What do you enjoy about the programs? Is there anything you would you like to see more of? Are there any other ways we can improve? Let us know below. 
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