U of A Job Shadow Week - Application Form - February 18 to 21, 2020

- Information cannot be saved partway through.
- The application will take about 40 minutes to complete.

Use only the 'BACK' and 'NEXT' buttons at the bottom of the form, not in your browser.

Application deadline: Monday, January 20, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.

Available Job Shadow Hosts: You will chose one, up to three hosts from the list provided here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VN1l14RoP4z9-Hdp7eguhjvsmSSPIWPP8ak6p_hF0HA/edit?usp=sharing

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Email *
If you require accommodations or support (because of a permanent disability) to help you access the list of hosts, read the form, or complete the required questions please contact us at careereducation@ualberta.ca or call 780-492-4291.
Program Eligibility
To qualify for U of A Job Shadow Week you must be a:
           - Student, or
           - Postdoctoral fellow, or
           - Alumnus from the University of Alberta, or
           - University of Calgary’s Faculty of Social Work, Edmonton Division, current student

- Must have at least 40 minutes to complete the application, in one sitting

- Must be interested in at least one and up to three hosts

- Must pay a $25 fee, only if you are successfully matched

- Must attend a mandatory training session, listed below

Optional Information Sessions for tips and advice on how to complete your application BEFORE you apply:
Friday, January 10, 2020 from 12:05 to 12:50 p.m. in 2-100 SUB

Tuesday, January 14 at 12:35 p.m. to 1:20 p.m. in 2-100 SUB

Friday, January 17 from 12:05 to 12:50 p.m. in 2-100 SUB

Advice on preparing your application
Matches are based on the quality of your application.

We look for the best fit between hosts and applicants. You are not guaranteed a match to a host.  

Applications are NOT considered on a first-come, first-served basis.

We suggest preparing your application outside this form so you can copy and paste your answers into the form.  

To complete the form:

1. Read the host job shadow profile thoroughly and use the information in the profile (not just the job title) to make your application match what they have to offer.

2. We strongly suggest you provide a different answer for each host. Target your response for each host.

3. Ensure your response(s) are free of spelling and grammatical errors. Your host will see this response once you are matched, so be sure to make a professional first impression.

For support with writing, contact:
- Academic Success Centre  at success@ualberta.ca or 780-492-2682, or
- Centre for Writers at centreforwriters@ualberta.ca or 780-492-2639, or
- The Career Centre at careereducation@ualberta.ca or 780-492-4291.

Mandatory Orientation Workshop: If you are successfully matched, you must attend one of the following workshops. IMPORTANT: Write down the date and time. *
Alberta Health Services Hosts: If you are matched to a host at Alberta Health Services do you agree to obtain an up-to-date rubella vaccination and complete online confidentiality training on their website? *
I understand that I may be sharing my host with another job shadow participant. *
Some job shadow hosts take more than one job shadow participant on the same day, as indicated on their profiles. This allows for more applicants, like you, to benefit from this program. Once matches are complete, your information will be shared with your host and the other job shadow participants who are matched to that host.  This allows for more efficient communication and coordination of details between hosts and participants.
I understand that I require my own reliable transportation to access my host(s) location. *
The location of the job shadow is indicated in the job shadow host listings. If you cannot obtain transportation (by private vehicle or public transportation) to this location, please DO NOT choose this host.
I understand that I must be available to job shadow on the day(s) the host has listed as their availability. *
 You may or may not be able to negotiate the day(s) you want to job shadow so please do not choose a host whose availability does not match your own.
Would you like someone from the Career Centre to contact you regarding-accommodations or accessibility related needs (due to a permanent disability) to support your job shadow experience? *
If you are successfully matched, would you like to participate in a "social media takeover" and share your experience with our Instagram followers @ualbertacc? *
What is your primary motivation for participating in U of A Job Shadow Week? *
Check all that apply.
How to choose your host(s)
1 - Review the list of available hosts here:

- Search the host listings using CTRL+F. Use partial key words to help facilitate your search (e.g. project, education, health, technology)  

2 - Identify at least 1 host with whom you'd like to be matched.
- You can identify up to 3 hosts
- Do not choose hosts you are not interested in as you may be matched to ANY of your choices.
- Be open to possibilities, a job title is only one descriptor - read the whole profile to see if a host might interest you!

3 - Your host selections are considered equally. There are no first, second, third choices.

Job Shadow Host Choices
What is the job shadow host ID number? Please ensure it is correct. *
This is the number found on the Google Doc beside the job title - Please ensure it is accurate.
Host job title *
Do not abbreviate. Example: Experiential Learning Coordinator, not ELC.
Host's employer/organization *
Do not abbreviate.  Example: Events for People Inc., not EPI
Please explain why you should be matched with this host
Matches are based on the quality of your application—we look for the best fit between hosts and participants. Provide a different answer for each host and ensure your answers are free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Your host will see this response, so be sure to make a professional first impression.
Why did you select this host? Write a 500 character response (spaces count too). *
Read the host job shadow profile thoroughly and use the information in the profile (not just the job title) to make your application match what they have to offer and how this job shadow experience with help with your career goals. We strongly suggest you provide a different answer for each host.  
What do you hope to see, do, experience, observe, try or learn during the job shadow? Write a 500 character response (spaces count too). *
What questions do you want to ask during the job shadow? Write a 500 character response (spaces count too). *
At the Career Centre we believe that your career is complex and involves formal and informal learning, paid and unpaid work as well as leisure activities. What other parts of your life are you interested in sharing with your host? (1000 character limit, spaces count too)
For example: Previous jobs, volunteering, hobbies, areas of interest you have pursued, etc.
Do you have another choice for a job shadow host?   *
Your choices will NOT be considered in first, second, third order. You have equal opportunity to be matched to any of your choices.
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