Thames-Coromandel Food Waste Minimisation Survey.
This is a survey regarding measures you would like TCDC to reduce food waste reaching landfill. (This will only take about 5 minutes)

Food wastage is a global problem that has lasting effects on the surrounding physical and cultural environment. In Aotearoa-New Zealand, it is estimated that approximately 571,000 tonnes of food waste are dumped in landfills every year. The flow-on effects are seen in soil and water contamination, and the release of greenhouse gases from the landfill, which contributes to climate change.

A recent waste audit found that in the Thames-Coromandel district, 60.9% of the content in kerbside rubbish bags are food and organic waste.

Thames Coromandel District Council’s (TCDC) solid waste contract is up for renewal shortly, and this is an opportunity to cut in half the amount of blue rubbish bags that are sent to landfill.

The Thames Food Waste Group, in collaboration with the Seagull Centre Trust and the Whangamatā Resource Recovery Trust, would like to know what you think would help minimise food waste from reaching landfill in our district.

You can find more information on our:
Facebook page:

And sign our petition to TCDC at:

Thank you for taking the time to answer this survey. Please be assured, your personal information remains anonymous.
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