University of Saint Joseph - Questionnaire for the Lifelong Learning Programme // 聖若瑟大學—持續進修課程意願調查
In order to be more effectively to follow up with the Government policy in developing Macau as a learning society and to tie in with the goal of diverse cultural connotation. Lifelong Learning Office is going to conduct a survey to collect opinions about your interests towards our programmes. The result is used for data analysis calculation mainly, we look forward to keep in making improvement of the quality of our offered courses.

This survey is conducted anonymously that does not record enough information allow us to know your identify. The content filled in is only used as a reference and all data information collected will be kept strictly confidential.

Thank you for your valuable opinions and support to our department.

University of Saint Joseph Lifelong Learning Office


本調查以不記名方式進行,並不會記錄足以識別閣下身份的資料,請 閣下放心填寫。所填寫的內容僅作為內部提升持續進修課程的質素指標為參考依據,所收集的數據及資料將絕對保密。

感謝 閣下為我處調查提供寶貴的意見及支持。


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1. Which of the following categories are you interested in?  (multiple choices) 請問您對我校哪些課程類別感興趣?(可多選) *
As mentioned above, please provide the specific course title 如上所述,請提供具體課程名稱 *
2. Factors to consider before course application (Please list them in order) 選擇報讀課程時的考慮因素(請以先後順序排列)
1st consideration 第一考慮 *
2nd consideration 第二考慮 *
3rd consideration 第三考慮 *
4th consideration 第四考慮 *
5th consideration 第五考慮 *
3. First priority / preferred course venue 優先選擇/首選上課地點是 *
4. What is your preference style of learning ? 請問優先喜好的上課形式是? *
5. Learning motivation / reasons for learning 產生學習動機/報讀原因(可多選) *
6. Your age group belongs to 您的年齡層屬於 *
7. If the course has not been subsidized by the "Continuing Education and Development Program" (PDAC), are you willing to apply for the relevant course? 若課程沒有獲得「持續進修發展計劃」的資助,請問是否繼續願意報讀相關課程? *
8. What kind of channels did you know our office offers related courses? (multiple choices) 請問您是從哪項途徑得知我部開設相關課程?(可多選) *
9. Welcome to give any suggestions for our department or courses: 歡迎提出任何對於我部或課程的建議:
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