Language Survey
The purpose of this survey is to collect data on the code-meshing patterns of bilinguals for a study. This study is meant to answer a central question: "How do bilingual individuals code-mesh in note taking and how does that reflect thought processes through both languages?"
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Informed Consent Agreement
This study poses minimal risk for any category of risk including physical and psychological. Any greater risk will be observed as psychological stress due to any complications in ability to write and/or note-take. This study will include no direct or indirect identifiers of the participants, maintaining complete anonymity and ambiguity of the individuals. No participant information will be stored in a bank or database of any kind; rather, only answers will be recorded that maintain the previous statement on anonymity. If you wish to withdraw your answers, you can do so at any time by answering the Withdrawal Option at the final section and submitting, exiting at the this section, or contacting to be excluded from participation.
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