Landscaping Project Request
During the discovery call you can learn about my process and services I offer. I can also learn more about your project to see if the collaboration will be a good fit.

Please answer the questions below about your project.
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Email *
Name (First, Last) *
Phone Number xxx-xxx-xxxx *
Location (City or area of town in Lexington) *
1. Description of your project *
2. Where are you in your process? *
Select all that apply
8. Which services are you interested in? *
Check all that apply
4. Budget *
Select all that apply
6. Can you give me a ballpark budget you've allotted? *
7. Timeline Comments. Depending on time of year, EARTHeim may have a waitlist. *
Before you go, how did you hear about EARTHeim? *
Any Additional Comments?
Topics we will discuss during our 15-20 min call.

- The project you envision
- Current state of the landscaping
- Budget
- My process (you may also read more on my website under 'services')
Scheduling a Consultation

If you would like to schedule the consultation during our phone call, let me know you're availability. 

Please note the 48 hr cancellation policy will be in affect once we schedule the consultation. Details will be sent in our appointment confirmation. 

There will be a seperate Consultation Form to fill out with your information.
Would you like to schedule a brief phone call to discuss your project? Please list some timeframes you are available in the next couple of weeks. I will aim to contact you during these times. Business hours are Monday-Friday 10am-5pm. EARTHeim's phone: 859-230-9655 *
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