KPDSB Anonymous Bullying Reporting Portal
Please use the form below to submit a report of bullying.  You can submit your report anonymously or include your name and contact information if you would like for us to follow up with you.  Please provide as much information as possible to support our staff in looking into your report.
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Which school does the student who is being bullied go to? *
What is the name of the student/person that is being bullied? *
What grade is the student/person being bullied in? *
Have you spoken to the school about this student being bullied before? *
Which school does the student you want to report go to?   *
What is the name of the student you want to report?  If you want to report more than one student, please enter all names and any identifying information below (ie. grade or teacher name).  First and last name of the student(s) is required. *
What do you want to report?  Please use the box below and include as much information as possible including what has happened and any dates, times, locations, whether in-person or online, etc.   *
Do you want to make this report anonymously or would you like to provide your name and contact information? *
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This form was created inside of Keewatin-Patricia District School Board. Report Abuse