What grade is the student/person being bullied in? *
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
I don't know which grade they are in
Have you spoken to the school about this student being bullied before? *
Which school does the student you want to report go to? *
Beaver Brae Intermediate School
Beaver Brae Secondary School
Crolancia Public School
Dryden High School
Ear Falls Public School
Evergreen Public School
Golden Learning Centre Public School
Ignace Public School
Keewatin Public School
King George VI Public School
Lillian Berg Public School
New Prospect Public School
Open Roads Public School
Red Lake District High School
Red Lake-Madsen Public School
Savant Lake Public School
Sioux Mountain Public School
Sioux Narrows Public School
Sioux North High School
Upsala Public School
Valleyview Public School
I don't know which school they attend
They attend a different school that is not in this list
What is the name of the student you want to report? If you want to report more than one student, please enter all names and any identifying information below (ie. grade or teacher name). First and last name of the student(s) is required. *
Your answer
What do you want to report? Please use the box below and include as much information as possible including what has happened and any dates, times, locations, whether in-person or online, etc. *
Your answer
Do you want to make this report anonymously or would you like to provide your name and contact information? *
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