Grading Conference 2025: Volunteer Self-Nomination Form

The Organizing Committee for the 6th annual Grading Conference, held online from June 11 to 13, 2025, calls for self-nominations for several volunteer groups:

(1) Abstract Reviewers

To review abstracts according to the evaluation criteria determined by the Organizing Committee.

(2) Program Committee Members

To organize accepted abstracts into sessions by theme and set the schedule within an outline determined by the Organizing Committee.

(3) Zoom Helpers

To help Organizing Committee members host one Zoom session during the conference. (You are NOT signing up to do this for the entire three days!) At least one member of the Organizing Committee will always be present, but the Conference is too large now for us to do this alone! We may ask you to do things like monitor the chat, make sure the recording has begun, or read questions from the Q&A panel to presenters. A pre-conference training session will be offered earlier during the week of the conference to go over any technical requirements. A stable internet connection is required. 

(4) Leads for Affinity Social Groups

To lead an informal affinity group gathering during a social hour at the end of the day on either Wednesday or Thursday. Volunteers can identify their own topic for the affinity group, for instance: community college faculty, alt grading in large courses, research on alt grading, etc.

We seek volunteers from a variety of backgrounds, disciplinary and otherwise. To nominate yourself, please fill out the form below.


  • Deadline to self-nominate: Feb. 14
  • Notification of volunteer selections: Feb. 28
  • Abstracts due: Feb. 28
  • Abstract review completed: March 24
  • Program finalized: April 18

If you have any questions, please email, and we will happily answer them!

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Department or discipline:
What position(s) would you like to volunteer for? Check all that apply. 
Please write 2-3 sentences about your experience with/interest in alternative grading, including the specific kinds of alternative grading you practice. 
Please write 2-3 sentences about the ways you might contribute to the creation of a more diverse and inclusive Grading Conference. 
If you are nominating yourself as a Zoom Helper, please check the dates on which you'll be available to volunteer. We won't assign you to an entire day--just a specific session during that day.  
If you are nominating yourself as a Social Affinity Group Lead, please check the dates and times on which you'll be available to volunteer.
If you are nominating yourself as a Social Affinity Group Lead, please tell us a little about the topic you'd like to discuss during social hour.
Questions, comments, or concerns?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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