SoJ Mentoring | Program Application
The Society of Janus Mentoring Program matches mentee applicants with a sincere and personal interest in becoming part of kinky community with experienced and ethical mentors. The program is a six-month commitment, wherein mentor and mentee meet at least one to two times each month to work on realizing the goals that the mentee has set for themselves. Volunteering staff members provide support and follow-up throughout the course of the program.

The number of mentors and resources of SoJ Mentoring are limited, and so only a limited number of mentees can be accommodated per six-month cycle. Appropriate candidates are those who have joined (or are willing to join) Janus and participated in enough munches, classes, parties, or other community functions to be reasonably confident that kinky community is a lasting priority for them.

To be considered for participation in the program, please complete and submit this application. A SoJ Mentoring staff member will contact you to talk (in-person or remotely) about your goals and interests. If the staff decides that you are a good fit for the program, you'll be invited to a future mentor/mentee speed-matching event. Typically we host two events every year to commence each cycle—one in the fall/winter, one in the spring/summer.
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What is your name? *
Whatever you would like us to know you by. Needn't be a legal name.
What is your kink-friendly email address? *
If you haven’t already, we highly recommend creating a secondary or tertiary personal email address for your private life. Don’t use your work or school email!
Are you a member of SoJ? *
Membership in Janus is required in order to take advantage of SoJ Mentoring. If you are a member, please keep track of your renewal status. If you are not already a member, you're welcome to apply but will need to join before participating in a speed-matching event. If you select “No,” our staff will speak with you about how to pledge once we respond to your application.
What is your SoJ membership number?
How have you participated in kinky community? *
Please list six events you've attended in the past two years, and one way in which you've volunteered or otherwise contributed. These examples don't have to be SoJ events, and going to the same regular event multiple times counts. We're looking for evidence that you're serious about your involvement in kinky community.
What are your goals? *
Why do you seek mentorship? In one or two paragraphs, please describe your specific goals for what you would like to accomplish with a mentor in the next six months. More concrete ideas will help you get the most out of our program.
What is your FetLife handle?
So we can get to know you a bit more from your profile. Sharing is optional. If you haven’t used FetLife, we do recommend opening an account so you have greater access to events, posts, and local community news. It’s basically Facebook for kinksters!
How did you hear about SoJ Mentoring?
Just curious. We’re always looking for better ways to improve and promote our program.
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