Section 5:  EMR Study Guide
Section 5 of the Emergency Medical Responder Study Guide
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Section 5
Section 5
5-1. Checking for Hazards and the Environment is part of the ___________ Assessment.
1 point
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5-2. The acronym “MOI” stands for _________________.
1 point
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5-3. If the situation becomes dangerous once you have started to provide care and you cannot move the person, _____________________.
1 point
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5-4. Before beginning the Primary Assessment, ______________________.
1 point
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5-5. If a patient only responds to commands or questions during the Primary Assessment, their LOR (Level of Responsiveness) would be categorized as ______________.
1 point
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5-6. You should initiate Spinal Motion Restriction measures whenever you suspect a spinal injury, unless doing so would____________________.
1 point
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5-7. Which of the following situations would NOT lead you to suspect spinal injury?
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5-8. If you suspect a head and/or spinal injury, attempt to open the airway using the __________ technique.
1 point
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5-9. When performing the ABC check in the Primary Assessment, you should assess the patient’s breathing for no more than _____________.
1 point
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5-10. If an adult or child is responsive, check his or her pulse using the _______________.
1 point
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5-11. The binding between ____________ and ______________ can be affected by several factors, including blood pH, temperature, the presence of carbon monoxide, and hemoglobin disorders.
1 point
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5-12. The reading from a Pulse Oximeter appears as a percentage of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen. Normal saturation is approximately __________________.
1 point
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5-13. Which of the following is NOT a factor that may reduce the reliability of the pulse oximetry reading?
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5-14. Consider discontinuing supplemental oxygen if the patient is not distressed and the saturation level is greater than ______________.
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5-15. The ______________ is a systematic check of the patient’s body, starting with the highest priority areas.
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5-16. A patient with a life-threatening condition will fall into the ______________ category.
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5-17. Which of the following is NOT an example of an immediate transport emergency?
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5-18. When possible, transport any of the patient’s medications with the patient.
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5-19. Most injured patients will find the most comfortable position for themselves.
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5-20. The patient is lying on his or her back with the body elevated less than 45 degrees. This describes the ___________________ position.
1 point
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5-21. Reassessing a patient’s ___________ should occur frequently throughout assessment and care process.
1 point
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5-22. Which of the following accurately lists the 3 steps involved with a Secondary Assessment?
1 point
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5-23. Which of the following accurately outlines the mnemonics associated with the Interview portion of the Secondary Survey?
1 point
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5-24. Which of the following is NOT one of the Vital Signs?
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5-25. The first set of vital signs taken from the patient is considered to be the _____________ vital signs.
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5-26. Which of the following accurately lists the 3 areas of patient response assessed using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)?
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5-27. If a patient’s eyes open to painful stimulus, their GCS Eye Opening score is…
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5-28. If a patient does not reply verbally at all, they are given a GCS Verbal Response score of ….
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5-29. A patient who withdraws from painful stimulus has a GCS Motor Response score of ________.
1 point
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5-30. Any patient with a GCS score of __________ or lower requires rapid transport.
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5-31. The normal respiratory rate for an adult is between _______ and _______ breaths per minute.
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5-32. During the Primary Assessment, you are concerned with whether a patient is breathing at all, whereas in the Secondary Assessment, you are concerned with the _________, __________, and ____________ of breathing.
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5-33. A normal pulse for an adult is between ____________ and __________ beats per minute.
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5-34. In the Primary Assessment, you are concerned only with whether or not a pulse is present. In the Secondary Assessment, you are trying to determine pulse _________, __________, and_________.
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5-35. When the blood below the skin is oxygen deficient, it can give the skin a bluish tint referred to as ______.
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5-36. In a healthy person, the area beneath the nail will turn pale as you press it and turn pink again as you release and it refills with blood. If the area does not return to pink within _________, this indicates that circulation to the fingertip is impaired.
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5-37. Pupils that are unequal, fully dilated, fully constricted, or unresponsive to light may indicate a serious head injury or illness.
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5-38. Blood Pressure is measured in units called ________________.
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5-39. The pressure in the arteries when the heart is contracting is called __________________.
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5-40. The pressure in the in the arteries when the Ventricles are relaxed and the heart is refilling is called ____.
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5-41. The two methods used to assess a patient’s Blood Pressure are __________ and __________.
1 point
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5-42. Quantifying a patient’s blood glucose level can provide important information about a patient’s condition. This is especially true in patients suffering from ______________.
1 point
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5-43. Blood Glucose is measured in __________________.
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5-44. The physical exam process involves ____________, ___________, and ______________.
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5-45. Conducting a ____________ assessment includes instructing the patient to move his or her toes, foot, and leg watching for any signs of impaired function.
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5-46. When you complete the head-to-toe physical examination, reassess the patient’s __________.
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5-47. Patient Care should be delayed to fill out paperwork.
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5-48. A life-threatening condition, such as respiratory or cardiac arrest, can occur suddenly, even in a patient whose ABCs and Vital Signs were initially normal.
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5-49. Approximately 500 ml per inspiration is the ______________ for a normal healthy adult.
1 point
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5-50. Ideally, you should arrive to your first classroom session capable of accurately completing our Assessment Model Self-Test (based on the Assessment Model outlined on the EMR Cheat Sheet) from memory.
1 point
5-51. Ideally, you should arrive to your first classroom session capable of accurately completing our Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Self-Test (based on the Assessment Model outlined on the EMR Cheat Sheet) from memory.
1 point
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