Speech Therapists' Links Mentor Questionnaire 
Thank you for your time in considering to be part of our community! We are excited to have you on board with us. We would like to hear about your thoughts about being a mentor and what is manageable for you.  

By filling out this form, you consent for us to collect your responses and to be contacted via email. For example,
following up with any questions about your interests, and progress of the mentorship matching etc.
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Email *
#HelloMyNameis (Full name) *
Which stage of SLT journey are you in? *
Which population group do you work with? (It would be really helpful to give specifics here. E.g. ASD, Learning Disability, 0-19, Special Schools, Adults acute, community etc.) *
Do you have a preference to have mentees who went to a specific school? *
Which university did you go to? *
Were you an international student? *
We sometimes get queries from people who are interested in applying to your SLT school/programme. Will you be willing to be contacted by them? Thank you so much for your time in considering this.
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What would you be interested to do/ share with the your potential mentee? *
Would you be interested in doing a group or individual advice session, or do you have no preference? *
How many days of mentee contact do you think is manageable for you? *
How long of a mentorship partnership would you currently be able to commit to? *
Please tell us why you are interested in becoming our mentor and what special interest you may have to discuss/guide our mentees. This can include clinical specialties/ support outside of school/work, etc... *
In addition to your kindness in mentoring, do you have any additional goals that you would like to achieve via mentorship? Ideally, how can we help you to achieve these goals? *
Our vision is driven by our GLOBAL values. (Click here to find out more: https://www.speechtherapistslinks.com/global-values). Which one would you say is your strength and which one is an area of development? (200 words max). *
Ideally, which stage of SLT journey do you wish your mentee to be in? *
How would you like to be contacted by the mentee? (At a pre-arranged date and time) *
We would love to meet you prior to meeting your mentee, when would be a good time to meet? *
There will be general information on mentoring support. How would you like to be contacted by us? *
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