Shoot with myEPevents!
Are you a professional photographer or a weekend warrior with a strong working knowledge of your gear and action photography? We are interested in hearing from you!  Please fill out this form and when the time comes,
we will be in contact.  Thanks!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
xxx-xxx-xxxx format
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
What city do you live near? *
How far from City Center do you live?
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Do you have experience working sporting events such as marathons, triathlons or bike events?
Please list all relevant info including other companies you might have worked for in the past
Please list the digital camera bodies you own *
Nikon, Canon, Hasselblad, etc.
Camera Cards *
What type  of memory card does your camera  use?
Please list your lenses you own *
Include the widest f/stop the lens goes to
Online portfolio
Website, Flickr, etc
Notes or other relevant information
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