PSU Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative Membership Application
We are building a center that supports ongoing research and spurs the creation of new research projects about homelessness. For the Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative, homelessness means people who live unsheltered, people living in emergency or temporary shelter, and people living doubled-up or over-crowded by necessity. We are equally interested in supporting research for, with, and about people at risk of becoming homeless (e.g., housing insecure, exiting incarceration or hospitalization, suffering from severe mental illness) as well as the institutions, structures, and systems that have created or perpetuate homelessness. We are especially concerned about how racial inequities and structural racism influence homelessness and housing insecurity. We invite faculty and staff from all disciplines with a commitment to social justice and racial equity who are interested in and committed to homelessness research to join our center. Anyone who listed their name on the original proposal will be a member of the center by default.

As the center is still developing, we are striving for flexibility in eligibility, role, and opportunities for researchers. Our goal is to create a membership structure that encourages and supports faculty to advance research related to homelessness.

- Faculty and staff at PSU interested in and committed to addressing, resolving, and preventing homelessness are encouraged to apply.
- Applicants must meet PSU Research & Graduate Studies requirements for PI eligibility.
- Members from other Oregon institutions where PSU has multiple shared programs will also be considered.
- All people listed on the original HRAC proposal from 2018 will become center members automatically, though we do ask each member to submit short statements about interest in homelessness and in racial equity. These statements will help us plan center trainings.

- Priority access for HRAC funding opportunities. Funds may be used for course buyouts, GRAs, grantwriters, conference presentations for related research, or other research expenses.
- HRAC may also issue RFPs for specific topics or projects, with notifications sent to members first, and bonus points for members.
- Members will receive targeted grant opportunity notifications for external funds, and center support to write, submit, and implement research projects.
- Members will have opportunities to utilize available staff time (including available students) for discrete research activities.
- HRAC will purchase research-related equipment that members may check out to use for research purposes, possibly including items such as iPads with survey software, cameras, etc.
- Members’ works will be promoted by the HRAC communications team.
- Members receive email newsletters, invitations to join us at events when we purchase extra seats, coverage in our social media, etc.

- Because of the interdisciplinary nature of work about homelessness, we are continually scoping new projects and identifying possible directions for work. Sometimes we also have larger projects that need expert consultation. To help fill that need, we ask HRAC PSU Members to commit up to 6 hours of consultation per academic year (about 2 hours/quarter).
- Attend at least 1 HRAC related event on campus per academic year (e.g. member meeting, research talk).

Membership Selection Process
To apply for membership, submit a short application, a statement about your experience with or interest in working with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness (both broadly defined), and a statement about your commitment to racial equity (can be at the early stages of racial equity learning).

Membership selection is made by an HRAC committee based on candidate’s research interest in homelessness or an intersecting field, commitment to advancing equity (especially racial equity), and potential for a mutually beneficial relationship between the center and researcher.

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Name *
Email *
Title/Role *
Institutional Affiliation *
Please share a brief statement about your experience with, or interest in, working with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness (broadly defined) *
Please provide a statement, with examples, about how your commitment to racial equity influences your scholarship, and how you would bring a (racial) equity lens to your work with HRAC *
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