Rizkallah Kids Art Courses Art Academy 2017/2018  
Registration Form
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Child's last name *
Gender *
Age *
Birth Date *
Home address:
Grade in September, 2017:
Nursery/School Name:
Spoken Languages: *
Allergies? If yes, please specify
Mother's details
Mother's first name: *
Mother's last name *
Mother's mobile number: *
Mother's email address: *
Father's details:
Father's full name:
Father's mobile number:
Father's email address:
Emergency Contacts
Please provide us with one additional contact  to contact in case of an emergency
Full name:
Mobile number:
Pick up details
Who will pick up the child? If other, please provide their name as on their personal ID and their relationship to your child *
If other, please provide their name as on their personal ID
Their relationship to your child :
Their phone number:
Enrolled in:
Course Enrolment (September 24th – December 10th) *
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