Math 231 Survey - Fall 2016
The purpose of this anonymous survey is to measure the impact of various classroom teaching and learning techniques used in Math 231 this semester. At the end of this survey you will be directed to a page where you can enter your name for 5 extra credit points.
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Please indicate how much each of the following helped motivate you to read and take notes on each section before class. *
Helped a lot
Helped a little
No difference
Made it harder
Wanting to be ready for the Daily Quiz
Ability to use Notebook during Daily Quizzes
Wanting to understand things in class
Wanting to be able to contribute during group work
Please indicate how much each of the following helped motivate you to regularly do your homework in Math 231. *
Helped a lot
Helped a little
No difference
Made it harder
Ability to use Notebook on parts of tests and quizzes
Choosing my own set of homework problems
Wanting to be ready for Weekly Quizzes
Knowing that test questions come entirely from the homework problems
Please indicate how much each of the following helped motivate you to study and prepare for exams. *
Helped a lot
Helped a little
No difference
Made it harder
Already-established good study habits
Knowing I could use my Notebook at the end of the exams
In-class reminders to study early and stay on track
Fear and/or anxiety
Plese indicate how much you did (or did not) do each of the following this semester. *
Did this often
Sometimes did this
Only once or twice
Never did this
Worked with other students outside of class
Spent at least 30 minutes reading a section before class
Did as much homework as I needed to for mastering a section
Made a quiz/test study plan well in advance and then followed through with it
Please indicate how much you liked (or did not like) each of the following things this semester. *
Liked this a lot
Liked this sometimes
It was fine, whatever
Did not like this
Days that we worked in groups during class
Days when we did not work in groups during class
Not having homework collected/graded
Making and using a homework Notebook
What advice would you give to a new student in my calculus class to help them succeed? Please be specific and take some time with your response; I would like to share your advice with my students next semester. *
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