Celebrating Our Cultures/Celebrando Nuestras Culturas Registration Form

ALA is excited to invite AUSD student organizations to participate in our multicultural festival Celebrating Our Cultures/Celebrando Nuestras Culturas. Primarily, we would like this event to showcase the many talents of our students through cultural stage presentations, visual arts, music, dance and even sports. Throughout this event we want to highlight the amazing contributions our varied backgrounds bring to our community. Keep this in mind when you decide what your group will be presenting and offering in your booth. Register early, spaces are limited.

*** Last day to register is Friday, March 7, 2025.

Admission: $2 suggested donation, waived for all performers, booth workers and children under 5 y.o.

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Name of organization, club, class or team *
Organization's advisor or teacher *
Email address *
Phone number *
School *
We would like to have a variety of 5-7 min student performances, including a display of visual art inspired by students' cultures (we welcome multiple presentations per organization, please mark all that apply) *
Please mark all the technology that your presentation will require: *
Please provide a description of each presentation including more details about the technology required: the amount of microphones you will need, and how many musicians will be playing live, if any (if not presenting, type N/A) *
We would like to offer your organization the opportunity to fundraise during the event, if interested (please mark all that may interest you, ALA will be selling water) *
Is your organization interested in having an information booth? *
We can provide you a table and up to 4 chairs, but let us know if you need more and we will try to accommodate (please mark all that apply) *
Is there anything else we should know?
Do you have any questions for us?
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