Christmas Cantata Preview Dinner
Join us for our Christmas Cantata Preview Dinner! We will eat together and listen to our Christmas Cantata "Love is Born" by Lloyd Larson. The choir will have a retreat the following day, during which we will begin learning the cantata. Anyone interested in singing or playing in the orchestra for the Christmas Cantata is welcome to join us for dinner! 

Event Timing: October 18, 2024 from 6:00-8:00pm
Event Location: Strawbridge UMC Great Hall
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Voice Part (for singers)
Instrument (for instrumentalists)
Dietary restrictions *
We will be providing the main course, salad, and bread knots from Italiano's. If you would like to bring your favorite Christmas dessert you may do so. Please let us know what you will bring. (Optional)
If you are in the choir, will you be in attending Saturday's workshop on October 19th from 10am-2pm?
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