Art in Silico Submission
Please fill out this form with the necessary information for adjudication of your submission to the Art in Silico exhibition. Selected pieces will be displayed during the month of March around Michigan Tech, and then at the Awards Reception at 5th & Elm at The Orpheum Theater in Hancock on April 13, 2023.

Art in Silico is presented by the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems, Great Lakes Research Center, Michigan Tech College of Computing, Michigan Tech Department of Visual and Performing Arts, and the Copper Country Community Arts Center.

We wish to thank 5th & Elm at The Orpheum Theater for their generous sponsorship of the inaugural Art in Silico event series.
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Email *
Name: *
Phone Number:
Please provide a less-than 100 word biography: *
Title of your piece: *
Please provide a less-than 250 word abstract that can be used on the museum label for your piece. Note that this abstract should describe how your piece is computational. *
Link to a photograph or video of your piece: (Link preferred; photos or video can also be emailed to *
Materials used, including any requirements (power, space, display apparatus, etc.): *
Would you like your piece to be considered for awards? *
Would you like to donate your piece to support the Copper Country Community Arts Center and student scholarships at Michigan Tech? *
If No, would you like your piece to be available for sale, and at what price?
Additional comments:
I agree that Michigan Tech and other Art in Silico presenting organizations will not be liable for damage or theft, however caused, including as a result of negligence. *
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