Community Dialogue

The recent NTA strike exposed opportunities for leaders in Newton to increase transparency, information sharing and clearer understanding of how the city works. This surely includes topics like budgeting, processes, roles of the council, school committee, mayor's office, etc.

We are interested in your experience, your opinions and your informational needs with regards to how the city functions. Our goal with these questions is to focus on areas of your experience that we can improve. We hope that you will use the recent teachers strike as a reference point - and think beyond it as well. We want to help, and we need to know how.

Any responses provided before March 8th will help inform the initial recommendations to the city council; information gathered after that will inform future recommended actions.

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How did the recent NTA strike affect you and your family?
During the strike, what questions did you have, or what information did you need? *
Did you get that information? Where did you find it? (eg., city, NPS websites, news, FB, friend / neighbor) *
Did you trust the information that you found was accurate? *
Do you have anything else to share with us? (e.g., what you would like to see from city groups and leaders in the future, what you would like to see us do) 
OPTIONAL : I am a (check all that apply) ...
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